Monday, November 18, 2024

Does Penal Substitution Make God Unjust?

 An interesting discussion from Daniel Steele, a Methodist writer of the late 19th and early 20th century. He argues that penal substitutionary atonement would make God unjust.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Main Blog

... is Threads from Henry's Web.  You can find links to all aspects of my web presence at

Thursday, August 19, 2010

On the Ground Zero Mosque

I posted some comments on my Threads blog.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Finding My Way in Christianity

I've posted my publisher's reflections on this book on my Threads blog.  Advance copies are still available (as of 7/30/2010) to bloggers who would like to read and review the book.

Stats for Blogger

Just a note that I've checked out stats for blogger.  What brought me here to test it and post was a user question from someone who liked blogger in general, but wanted stats.

Just go to and sign in normally.  You'll have a link to stats on your dashboard near the top right.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Blogroll Stuff

Tonight I spent a few minutes working with my blogroll.  I can do all the same things with Wordpress that I do here, but in this case I'll admit that Blogger makes it easier as long as you're working with the defaults.

I was able to add a dozen or so blogs in just a few minutes.  I remain a convinced Wordpress user, but I'm more impressed with blogger than I expected.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Book: Learning and Living Scripture

This post is intended specifically to test the Amazon linking and previews.  One of the features of blogger I wanted to test was the integration of associates links with the text.

So without further nonsense, I'm going to provide a link to my newest book, written with co-author Geoffrey Lentz, Learning and Living Scripture: An Introduction to the Participatory Study Method, and of course link it to

After turning on the Associates code, I simply had to list the book in the gadget to my right, select the text, and click "Link."  This is very efficient, and not at all like my experience with Blogger in the good old days.